
How to Activate your EFIN?

First we need to know what is an EFIN. EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number) is an identity number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes (Directorate General of Taxes) to taxpayers who conduct electronic transactions with the Directorate General of Taxes, such as reporting Tax Return through e-Filing and making tax payment billing codes.

That’s why you need EFIN to fulfill your taxation obligation, and no need to worry if you don’t have an EFIN yet or forgot one.

The following is the procedure that must be followed to obtain and activate your EFIN.

For Individual Taxpayers:

Submit an EFIN activation application with the specified form. This application cannot be represented by another person. Visit the nearest Tax Office (KPP), the nearest Tax Counseling and Consultation Service Office (KP2KP), or other locations determined by the tax office above;

Show the original and submit a copy of your ID card for Indonesians. For foreigners show your passports and Limited Stay Permit Cards (KITAS) or Permanent Stay Permit Cards (KITAP);

Show the original and submit a photocopy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) or Registered Certificate (SKT); Submit an active email address.

Or, you can just do this:

All you need is you active email address. Just send an email only to your resgistered tax office. That email need to contain these informations:

  1. Tax Identification Number
  2. Name
  3. Government Identification Number
  4. Address
  5. Email Address
  6. Phone Number

And make sure all of those informations are exactly the same information you gave when you apply your Tax Identification Number.

Attach your self picture while holding your Tax Identification and Government Identification Card. Send the email and wait for the reply.

For Corporate Taxpayers:

Fill in the EFIN activation request by the company management;

Managers should come to the tax office only where they are registered.

The management should show the original and submits a copy of letter of management appointment.

If the administrator is an Indonesian, show the original and submit a photocopy of your KTP and NPWP or SKT card in the name of the management;

If the manager is a foreigner, show the original and submit a photocopy of the Passport, KITAS or KITAP, and the NPWP or SKT;

Show the original and submit the NPWP or SKT card in the name of the corporate taxpayer;

Submit the agency's active email address.